Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Moore, Liberals, and the GOP.

Moore, Liberals, and the GOP.

A political rant. You have been warned.

Well, today is the big day in Alabama. Will the voters of that state elect Roy Moore as the next Senator, filling Jeff Seasons seat? Before I answer that, Let’s take a quick look at the state and some of the people that have recently been elected there. The Governor had to step down due to a sex scandal. The Speaker of the House step down due to corruption charges. The LT Gov. (now the Governor) appointed Luther Strange as Senator. Strange was the State AG and promised to prosecute the Governor over the sex scandal, thus stopping the impeachment. He never did.

So based on this recent history, here is my prediction. Roy Moore will win the election, by 7-9%. Why, you ask? First look at the above history. Secondly, Alabama is one of the most deeply red states. Even the Current Governor stated publicly that she would rather vote for an accused pedophile then a squishy Democrat. Next, Alabama voters are pissed at the rest of the country. They are not liking being called dumb and being told who they can and can’t vote for. (Steve Bannon has been stoking that fire). Finally, the main feeling is while he maybe a pedophile, he is ours.

Where does all this leave the GOP? The Republicans will now have to own this. Lock, stock, and barrel. When Trump started supporting Moore and denouncing the Dems for their sex scandals, the double standard was in full bloom. Senate Republicans that had called for Moore to step down, are now tepidly supporting him. When Moore steps into the Senate, there will be a minor ethics investigation that will quietly disappear. He will get some low level committee assignments and won’t go full bluster for about 3 months. But the once great Republican Party will now be the party of Sexual Predators.

And what about the Liberal, progressives, and moderates? They have a great opportunity here, if they are willing to take it. Trump, Bannon, and Moore are leaving the door wide open for attacks. The Democratic Party is purging their own of those with Sexual indiscretions (lewd and/or predatory behavior). They are showing the country an intolerance for this type of behavior. They are going after the moral high ground.

But will they take it? The Left is in the middle of a minor civil war. The far Left is looking for purity. The moderates are just wanting to be heard. And all are missing the fights on the Right. The Left is missing perhaps the biggest point to winning back power and influence in the country. Half a loaf is better than no loaf. The Right has known this for years and have been using it. At this point, they have to do the one thing they hate even thinking about. Compromise with each other. If they don’t then the future is lost to them for a generation.

Will Moore win and give the GOP heartache for years to come? I think he might. Will the left get off their collective butts and vote in the mind-terms? If history is any indication, I don’t think so. I really hope I’m wrong. Only history will tell us for sure.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Tweets and the Press

Dear Mr. President,

What the hell is wrong with you? You re-tweet fake videos concerning Muslims. What sort of president are you?

You are supposed to represent all America not just the ones you think deserve it. Part of your job is to protect people. I'm sure you and your supporters read in the Constitution Preamble the part that said, "Preserve domestic tranquility." Is this how you do this?

To Ms. Huckleberry-Sanders. You need to re-think your response. The "Threat" is not real. Violence in this country is committed by "Christians" more so than by Muslims. Are you going to comment on that? No, you will not. In fact, I'm betting that you will double down at the next press conference.

To the journalist at the press conferences. Now is the time to start asking some hard hitting questions. You need to ask follow up question. Finally, you need to support your colleagues. When people won't answer a colleague's question, you need to challenge them to answer it. Work together.

An Informed Citizen.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Moore and the President

Dear Mr. President,

The Democrats would like to send you a huge "Thank You" for the gift you gave them. By supporting Roy Moore, you and the governor of Alabama have publicly stated that you feel that an accused child molester is better than a Democrat.

Congratulations, you have turned the GOP into the party of pedophiles and child molesters. If you think for a single second that the Democrats are not going to use this against you and your supporters, just watch how wrong you are going to be in 2018.

So, in the words of Joseph Welch: "Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?" The citizens of the United States await your answer.


An Informed Citizen

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Representative David Brat

Dear Rep. David Brat (R-7th District, Virginia),

You do realize that you party controls all level and branches of government? Blaming the Dems for your lack of progress is not only dumb, but shows the American public (especially the voters of Virginia's 7th congressional district) what you think of them.

Try coming up with bills that the public wants. Comprise is not a dirty word. It is how the House and Senate works. Deal making is a long and honored tradition. It’s worked for the United States for the last 241 years.

The Dems are in the minority. They can purpose a billion bills, but you and your leadership are the ones that bring bills to the floor. Stop acting like a child and take responsibility for the crappy bills your party purposing.

An Informed Citizen.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Tweeting, War, and Trump

Tweeting, War, and Trump

A Political Rant. You have been warned.

War! Think about that word. Think about what it means. Think about what it is.

To many, it is that favorite film (especially when dealing with World War II), Television shows, or books. But it is something far more. Something so frightening, so terrible, that even those that practice and study it, try to avoid it.

It is destruction, disease, starvation, and pain. It is a destroyer of cultures, histories, economies, and peoples. It is a creator of greed, disfiguration, refugees, and hate. It is death.

Ask a Veteran of combat and they will tell you that it is this and more. Those that talk about its glories have never seen its true horrors. If they do talk about it, they will tell you about sights, sounds, smells, and the pure terror of it all. They will tell you of the deaths of the guilty and the innocent.

2000 years ago, a carpenter preaching on a hillside stated “Blessed are the Peacemakers.” He had never seen war, but he understood the terrible cost it brings. Peace gets you more than war.

Here we are, a country that has been, for all intents and purposes, in a state of war for the last 16 years. And yet a majority do not know, or act like, there are people currently in harm’s way. We do not see the returning wounded or the dead. Many have gone and come back, scarred by the experience. How many of the injured have you personally seen? And with a few exceptions, most of you have not.

And what of the innocents? Those just trying live a peaceful life? They are either collateral damage, unwitting human shields, or the victims of living on or near a strategic location. They become refugees, trying to find food and water, and sanctuary from the fighting for them and their families. They become reviled by both sides in the conflict. They are either in the way of an advancing army, people demanding resources that neither side want to give up, or “hiding” an enemy.

And then there is the Homefront. Those that sit at home and play at being a solider are fortunate to have never experienced it. They sit and gather their weapons thinking they are warriors. Yet never once willing to place themselves in harm’s way or their society above themselves. They call for war at any perceived slight to the nation, slow diplomacy, or just plain boredom. These are the most dangerous of all.

Why this rant about war? Thinking people know these dangers. Well, consider this is a reminder. A reminder of what will happen if we enter another war. But why bring this up now?

One night during the past year, President Trump had dinner with his top Generals and Admirals, along with their spouses. Called for a photo-op and bragged about them being the greatest military minds in world. (We’ll let history make that decision.) But then he said that this represented “the calm before the Storm.”

World leaders do not make this type of statement just to throw a scare into someone. But, President Trump is not the typical leader. He telegraphs his punches, makes a comment like this to gin up his base, or rattle the press. Personally, I’m hoping for the last one.

This president does not believe in the power of diplomacy. (This is also known as “Soft Power.”) He and his advisers have gutted the State Department. He cut their budget by almost 30%. We have maybe a dozen ambassadors around the world. Next to no Under Secretaries with expertise in the different areas of the world where trouble is brewing. Steve Bannon (while no longer in the White House) believes we need a major war to “make us great again.” Our President appears to be listening to him. He even under cut Secretary Tillerson by tweeting that he was “wasting his time” negotiating with North Korea.

There are only two areas that this administration is hot and bothered about. Iran and North Korea. For a man who claims that he does not want to give away what he plans, he is tweeting just about everything that is in his mind and what he plans on doing. So much for playing things close to the vest.

A war with either of these two states would be a disaster for us. If Iran, we would be bogged down further in the Middle East than we already are and the economics are unmanageable. North Korea would cause the deaths of millions (Seoul is 35 miles from the board) and drag in China and Russia. Not mention the nuclear option.

But back to the question, why bring this up now? Why this rant? Simply put, this citizen is asking his president to find another way. President Trump, be the leader you claim to be. Be the deal maker you keep bragging that you are. Find another solution than war. Get out of your comfort zone, swallow your pride, and work with other nations.

Mr. President, know this. Not all wartime presidents are beloved. History does not always look kindly on those that take nations into war. The horrors that I have listed at the beginning of this rant will be on your head for all of eternity. Is that the legacy that you want for your time in office? Or do you want something more? The ball is in your court, Mr. President.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Thoughts, Prayers, and Nothing.

Thoughts, Prayers, and Nothing.

A political Rant. You have been warned.

Another day, another mass shooting. 50+ dead, 500+ injured. Let that sink in for a bit. Yep, you read that right. This has turned into the new normal.

Starting in a day or two will be the first of the funerals. Are you ready for that? Soon you will be hearing and seeing the names and faces of the dead and the stories of the living. Are you ready for that? Already, the great “thinkers,” from their bunkers, are saying that this a huge Government cover-up to take their guns. Ready for that? Are you ready to hear some politicians, spokesmen, or lobbyist say that these deaths and injuries are just the price we must pay for “freedom?” ‘Merica!

But let’s get to the feels and put these numbers in a context to help you. The average High School classroom has 25-30 kids in it. That’s two classrooms full of the dead. An NFL team has 53 players. For the military minded, a Platoon of solders is 42 men. The Boring 777 carries 451 people, while the Airbus A380 carries 525. This is just a comparison. The exact numbers of dead and injured won’t be known for days.

But it doesn’t matter, does it? They are just images on a screen, not anybody you know. You didn’t get upset when 20 kindergarteners where slaughtered, 50+ country music fans mean nothing. And at this point I will start hearing, “But that’s not fair. It’s not the same. You don’t know what you are talking about. “ But you see that is where you are wrong. I know just as much as you, maybe more because I have been paying attention. Have you?

So, now we start to talk about the problem. Both sides will harden there points of view. Pro-gun folks will talk about the Second Amendment and the “Good guy with a gun” myth. The Gun control folks will talk about too many guns and the ease upon which to get them. And neither will listen to the other side and admit that there might be something to be learned from the other.

I’m on the Gun control side. Yes, there are too many guns (113 guns per 100 people). And the ease of access? Terrorist experts are saying that this is a national security crisis. But I will admit the others have a point too. When people buy them legally and get training, I have no problem. I don’t want your guns. Here’s something to blow your mind. This libel has fired different types of guns and likes it.

Here is the question I ask all the time to my pro-gun friends: How do we stop the bad guys from getting them? I will get an answer about there is no way, because they will steal them or buy them on the Black Market. But, they won’t really provide an answer and just this will prove my point doesn’t it?

And of course, we are getting the politicians and people on social media offering their “Thoughts and prayers” to the families and injured. Which just says, “I don’t want to do anything or talk about it. I’m beholden to a special interest (Left or Right).” All this does is give a false sense of caring and lets the sawyer feel good about themselves. But, it just shows a great level of Hypocrisy.

So, what can done? I have given my ideas on multiple occasions. You know my thoughts. But, here is the thing you and I both know. Nothing is going to happen. People on both sides will yell and scream their talking points. It will be in the national media for a week, at most (longer in the local press), and we will all forget about it moving to the crisis. Of course, it will be brought up after the next mass shooting. But, will that be the one where you or someone close to you is shot? Who knows?

As the Writer/Blogger Jim Wright has stated: “You want a better country, be better citizens.” I couldn’t agree more.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Congressional Math (Part 2)

Dear Mr. President,

Today, I saw you talk to the press. You claimed that you had the votes to pass the Healthcare repeal. You further claimed that one of your members was in the hospital.

Please allow me to make some corrections and help you with math. First, Senator Cochran (R-Mississippi) was not hospitalized. He was home and could travel. Secondly, I know math is hard. So, let me help you.

You needed a minimum of 50 votes on the Senate. Senators Cruz, McCain, and Collins said they will be voting "No." Let me do the math for you. 52 Senators minus 3 Senators equals 49 Senators. That is less than the 50 votes needed.
See easy

An Informed Citizen.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Russians and Social Media

Dear President Trump,

I'm sorry to inform you, but the Russians did indeed buy ads on Facebook. Facebook and Zuckerberg are about to turn over the evidence to the Congress. Twitter is talking Congress and their investors next week. This is not some bizarre liberal plot.

Today, the government informed 21 states that the Russians tried hacking into their election systems. If your own government and intelligent agencies are saying it happened, you might want to listen. These are the professionals that are providing you with the intelligence on North Korea. So, are they lying about one thing but not another?

Mr. President, this is a very serious matter. Even a hint of this goes to the route of the American system. And yet you continue to not take this seriously. During the election you asked the Russians to find Hillary's "missing" emails. Shortly after taking office, you stated you were going to create a joint cyber investigation team with the very country accused of causing the problems. (Then you stated that you were joking)

Yes Mr. President, I know you are nervous about the investigations. But it is time for you to be a leader of this country, not some businessman looking out for his own self interests. Be the great leader you keep claiming you are.

An Informed Citizen.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Superman and politics

Apparently in a Action Comics 987, Supes saves a group of illegal immigrants from a gun wielding white nationalist. A number of conservative commentators (especially those on FOX) are railing that Superman should not be political or that this was an un-American message.

One twitter user even angrily commented that people should have read comics. His assertion was that Supes was a legal alien and legally adopted. This was in response to comments about Superman's legal status.... (Superman is indeed an illegal alien and never legally adopted by the Kents) Kal-El (Superman's birth name) is in fact every bit a Dreamer.

So, why bring this up? Large number of television shows and comic books are making political comments. From diversity to immigration, sexual orientation to freedom of speech, or gun control to religion. And this is making a number of people mad. They seem to think that their entertainment should be free of political or social commentary. They are wrong. Let me tell you why.

The best stories that you love are always making an statement. Some of them are obvious and timeless. Others have lost their original point due the passage of time. New ones are added by audiences when the original are lost. Even that mindless action film you watched last night is making making a statement.

Why does Superman matter, then? Superman was created in 1938 by two Midwestern Jewish boys. The reasons and the psychology of his creation have been written and discussed extensively by numerous authors and psychologist. So I won't repeat it here. But what is of note is how this character has been used over the years.

In the 1940s, he, Wonder Woman, and Batman were used to sell war bonds and promote the war effort. In the late 1940s, the Superman radio show took on the Klu Klux Klan and help to successfully alert the public dangers of that organization. In the 70s and 80s, it was child abuse, drugs, and world hunger. Fictional characters are always used to discuss political issues. Many find that is an easier discussion and has less personal pain than discussing what is really happening in the real world.

In a roundabout way, my point is this: Superman has always leaned left. The Man of Steel has been portrayed as a liberal since the moment of his Inception. Most conservatives have not looked beyond the whole " Truth, Justice, and the American way" headline.

Friday, August 11, 2017

War Rhetoric

Dear President Trump,

Would you please shut-up? You currently have a major troop deployment in Afghanistan, military action against ISIS, and you have been ramping up the tension with North Korea. And today you are threatening military action for the issues in Venezuela. Shooting your mouth off is not helping.

Our military is stretched thin. Guam is getting civil defense warnings. You have cut the State department to the point that is now useless. Heck, we don't even have an ambassador in South Korea. It is time to tone it back.

You have been critical of the generals in Afghanistan. You have failed to understand that the war going on there is complex and hard. This not some Hollywood movie.

Your words have weight throughout the world. Our allies are starting to think of you as a laughing stock. Some would even say that you already are. Why? You shoot from the hip, spout lies, and seem to have no desire to learn the facts.

Currently, there are 250,000 American citizens being threaten. The Seventh fleet is in Guam. Millions of innocent people in Korea would die if things spiral out of control.

You need to stop talking. Stop Tweeting. Let the diplomats do their jobs. Stop trying to be a war president. It does not always give you a great spot in history. Especially if you start the war that ends the world. So, just stop. For the sake of my child, your children, and the world.

An Informed Citizen.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Gorka and Diplomacy

Dear Mr. Gorka (Deputy Assistant to the President),

It is obvious that you have no idea how government or the military works. But let me mansplain it to you.

War is supposed to the last option of diplomacy. This is what every officer in the United States military is taught. This also how wars are prevented.

The Secretary of State is indeed the Chief Diplomat of the United States. But before we go to war the Smart Country and Leadership explore every option but military actions. And in the art of diplomacy one of the things that a diplomat must do is calm people down so that cooler heads can prevail. Only a fool goes the war without trying to negotiate a solution first.

You sir, are the deputy assistant to the President that puts you four steps down in the pecking order. Even Kellyanne Conway is higher than you. Finally, you need to be aware that when people have a recording of you making a stupid statement, trying to deny it only makes you and your president look stupid. As my father used to tell me, it's time to engage the Brain before wagging the tongue.

An Informed Citizen.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sports broadcasts length

Dear NBC Sports Network,

For the past 21 days, you have been airing the Tour de France. I understand that other sporting events can and do run long. However, when an event is over, we don't need to all the stupid little interviews with every single member of the winning team (20-30 people). How about a big honking message at the bottom of the screen. You practically cover the screen with messages about other events and stats.

I cannot and will not stay up until 2AM to watch the big finish. (Top 3 riders were 29 seconds apart) I know that Car Racing brings in bigger ratings, but have some respect for this of us that have been with you for the long haul.

A Disappointed Viewer.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Taxes, treason, and the birth of a Nation.

Taxes, treason, and the birth of a Nation.

Today, we celebrate the treasonous act of men assembled in Philadelphia. For on that day, it was announced to the World that 13 colonies had banded to together to secede from the British Empire. An Empire, in many respects, even greater than that of Rome and China.

But why? The commonly held belief was that it was about taxation. (“No Taxation without Representation!”) And that is a good one to hold. The major taxation acts that pissed people off started in the mid-1760 with the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act. Finally ending just before War with the infamous Tea Act. (Had a little Tea Party in Boston concerning that one.)

Yet there was more to this revolution then people like to talk about. A big one was the economics that our leaders wanted more control of. Raw material had to be sent to England to be manufactured into most consumer goods the mills, the forges, and the Factories in England had strong voices in Parliament. Most of the leaders of Parliament looked upon the colonies as hicks. And in some ways, we were.

Our Founding Fathers were also very rich men. They wanted these businesses to be domestic. Profits would be high, for no need of long and dangerous ship travel. Slave trade was going great in the south as was the cotton trade. The plantation owners want to keep and increase their profits. While the New Englanders liked the profits of whaling and want to be prime ship builders. So, once again, Money talked.

Finally, the other thing that was happening was expansion. The colonies were starting to look westward. In fact some had already started that move. The Ohio valley and the Mississippi River were calling to people. (Granted, the great westward migration would not really start until 30 years later.) They wanted to be in charge, not some far away King.

The Second Continental Congress got together in 1775 and start the talks about this great Treason. Much has been said and written about this. Heck, a pretty good musical was created about this. But why call this Treason? At the time, we were not a country. We were part of the British Empire. Benjamin Franklin was credited with the quote “Gentlemen, if we do not hang together, we shall surely hang separately.” He said this to remind the delegates that what was happening was Treason and that only unity would protect them.

Treason was a hanging offense. Even today, treason is a capital crime. It is a very specific crime. But why is what they did important?

On July 2, 1776, the Founding Fathers signed what would become the greatest Dear John/FU letter of all time. It had never been done before. Nobody knew what do next. They had some ideas, but the newness was overwhelming. The British Empire want to crush them and bring them back into the fold. Heck, even a third of the population was in favor of staying with the Empire. (A third were also neutral)

This was an act of war from a band of people with limited resources and organization. A real government did not even form until March of 1781 (Articles of Confederation). If they lost the war, then they would all hang.

Today, when you are having that cook out, watching the parade, or “ooh” and “aahing” over the fireworks. Remember those that that took the ultimate risk and gave us a strong and free country with a little bit of treason.

Note: the date July 4 is because that was when the Declaration of Independence got to the printer and he changed the date on the top of the document.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Congressional Math

Dear Mr. President,

It was not 48-4 in the Senate vote. It was 52-48. Please learn how your government works.


An Informed Citizen

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Law and Order

Dear President Trump,

When you ran for president, you promised that you would "bring back law and order." You stated that you and your AG would deal with the increase in crime and the Opioid epidemic. What have you done to keep that promise?

After 5 months in office, I have to say that it looks pretty bad. You have not appointed one U.S. Attorney. There are gaping holes in the Justice Department.

All criminologist agree that education (including job training) and jobs are a sure way to lower crime and drug use. Your Education, Labor, and Health and Human Services Secretaries are cutting programs. Your AG is promoting conviction over prevention. He is even scrapping deals with local LEOs concerning reforms and civil rights enforcement.

You promised jobs to heavy crime stricken areas. But, the latest job reports show a decline in jobs. Heck the companies that you made a "deal" with are reneging on those deals and sending more jobs overseas. Less jobs means more crime and drug use.

There are only two ways to combat the Opioid epidemic. Go after the users and go after the suppliers. Now I will grant you that this is a little tricky to handle. Drug use is a health crisis. I'm no expert in this field (and you really should be listening to those experts), be even I know that cutting access to good health insurance does not help these people. You also need to stop the people selling, supplying and promoting these drugs. Again, talk to the experts, they will tell you what is the best way to handle this.

You have had 5 months to at least start the process. Why haven't you? You are the President of all the people of the United States. You claimed to be a big businessman and manager. Managers know how to delegate, supervise and coordinate multiple jobs at once. In short, they can multi-task. So please, stop the tweeting and focus on the job.

An Informed Citizen.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Presidental Tweets

Dear Kellyanne Conway,

This morning you scolded the mainstream media for covering President Trump's tweets. Let me remind you that President Trump stated at the beginning of his administration that he enjoyed using Twitter and believed that it was a great communication tool to get straight to the American people. And that he had no plans of giving it up.

President Trump does not give a lot of interviews. Yet he does tweet quite often. The president and his supporters (such as people like yourself), like the state that the president has changed the rules in just about everything related to the presidency. Well, if this is the case, then one of the main things that he has changed is the definition of the bully pulpit. It used to be the President standing in front of the members of the press answering questions and explaining his policies. Or you would write a policy paper and send it out.

Now, President Trump is using Twitter as part of the new bully pulpit. And this is perfectly fine, since more and more people get their information from social media and online resources. But, if the president wishes to continue to use these new and exciting tools, then he and his supporters such as yourself, need to realize that the press and the American public are going to pay attention to what is said.

So, here is some advice from a voter. Stop complaining that we're paying too much attention to the president's Twitter account. He set this up for himself and his deliberately gone around you, the communications department, and his press secretary. This is how he wishes to speak to the American public. If you are concerned that we're paying too much attention to it, then maybe you need to get the president off of his Twitter account.

An Informed Citizen.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Paris Climate Accords

Dear President Trump,

Is this how you make America Great Again? To recap for those not aware, you pulled out of the Paris Climate Accords. Only Syria and Nigeria have not signed on. Syria, because they are in the middle of a civil war and Nicaragua, because the Accords were not tough enough.

Think on that for a moment, Mr. President. Every type of government, every type of economic system that you can think of, and every type of people you can think of, felt that this was important. For the first time in history, the entire world agreed on something.

So why did you do it Mr. President? Jobs? There are now more, high paying jobs being created in the renewable sector, then in fossil fuels? The American people wanted us out? Recent polls have shown that 70% of the American people were in favor of the Accords.

Businesses wanted us out? Every major corporation begged you to keep us in the Accords. Small business were hurt by them? Small businesses are embracing renewable energy. Not only are they keeping the cost of power down (a major expense for any business ), new businesses are being created that are involved in the renewable markets along with dealing with efficiencies of major greenhouse gas creators. (Meaning, making cars, trucks, and cargo ships run on less fuel.)

Was it political, Mr. President? Did you want to look good to the coal states? Sorry, but coal is dying due to market forces. (Automation and cheaper alternatives, natural gas and renewables.) Was this one of Mr. Bannon's crazy conspiracies about world government or the need to start a new world war? I have no response to this since the question really answers itself.

Finally, Mr. President, was this a reaction to the fact that Obama approved of this? You do realize that the negotiations for the Accords started under Bush the Younger? Even his administration knew that something had to be done.

So, Mr. President, here we are. The day after the next presidential election, we will not be leading. We will be going it alone. Is this the country that you want leave Barron and your grandchildren? Is this how we make America Great Again, by not leaving the world in a better condition than we found it? Is this how you make America Great Again, by only thinking about short term profits and gains but no long range strategic planning? Think on it awhile, Mr. President. You still have time to change your mind and do what is in the best interest of the country and the world.

An Informed Citizen.

Sunday, May 28, 2017


Dear President Trump,

Just watched a number of your surrogates blame the large number of leaks on members of the Obama administration that are still in office. Interesting charge, sir.

And yet you have done nothing to fix this problem. All you have to do is nominate somebody of your choosing to replace them. Your party controls the Senate. They will fly through the confirmation process. You have had over 4 months since you took office.

Why is this, Mr. President? What do you fear? You complain that the government is not working, yet you have done nothing about correcting this situation. When Mr. President, are you going take control of your Administration and stop blaming others?

An Informed Citizen.

Senator Corker

Dear Senator Corker (of Tennessee),

Stop trying to defend the Russians. Do your job. You are a part of an equal branch of government. You do not have to wait or meet the demands of the Executive Branch.
You have 3 months until your September break. And yet you have no plan to deal with the investigation, tax reform, and of course, healthcare. Be your own man and not the POTUS's mouth piece.

An Informed Citizen.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Flynn and documents

Dear Sean Spicer,

Yesterday you complained about how it was unrealistic to hand over certain documents to the oversight committee.

You are an ex-Navy officer. You should know that government runs on paperwork. Phone calls into and out of the White House are logged, per the law. The application for a security clearance is on file.

You are now the government. You have the documents of things that happened before and after you become the administration. Most of them are electronic or catalogued. It would take a low level staffer few days to pull them up.

Flynn was in the office for only three and half weeks and transition adviser (6 months). How much documentation can there really be.

General Flynn was let go by the POTUS. He has gotten a lawyer and is willing to spill his guts to the oversight committee. Do you really want him telling the world how the inside of your Administration works or doesn't work?

Quit being stupid, provide the documentation. The way you were stalling, suggest to the American people that you have something to hide. Do you? Or do you just hate how the US government runs?

An Informed Citizen.

Saturday, March 25, 2017


Dear President Trump,

I am here to offer you advice to you and your followers. As far back as the 1960s, I have heard people say that they wanted a businessman to run the government like a business. Congratulations Trump supporters, you got your wish. And you, Mr. President, are it.

But here is the funny thing about that wish. Most of the people that wanted the government to run like a business, have absolutely no idea how big businesses work. Most of the day to day operations are done in secret. Deals are made and broken in secret. Pay raises, bonuses, promotions, demotions, and policies are all done behind closed doors. And no, you don't get a say. Speak your mind that the policy is the stupidest thing you have ever heard, you’re lucky if you are not out the door.

You see government can't run like a business. Businesses are there for one reason and one reason only. To maximize profit for their investors. And businesses can be real nasty about it. In some cases not caring about the employees, environment, or even their own reputation.

Government has a harder job. They have to protect the citizens from outside threats and inside ones too. They have protect the rights of the minority against the will and desires of the majority. The government must be concerned about the welfare of its people, which includes the natural resources of a country (i.e. water, food, etc.). And it must try to have good relations with other nations. Our forefathers stated it best in the Preamble to the Constitution. (I will post a video for you at the End.)

The American people do not like backroom deals. For you see, we get enough of that in our real lives. Yes, I know that negotiations on bills, intelligence that protects our country, and even the movements of our military need to be done behind the scenes. But at some point the American people want to have their say. And you don't get to stop it.

So, here is my advice to you. Time to get down to governing. Finish making the Cabinet appointments (under-secretaries, agency heads, etc.), deal with your agenda, and work with other nations. Stop tweeting, stop going to your Southern White House, and start admitting when things go wrong or when you make a mistake. You have over 500 appointments to make, problems around the world that need attention, and an economy that could be boosted.

Do your job or the American people will at the ballot box in 2018. We’re kind of fickle like that.


An Informed Citizen.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Meals On Wheels cuts

Dear President Trump,

You say you want respect and support the Vets. I believe you. But your budget head does not. By killing the Meals on Wheels program, you will be hurting 500,000 vets who need and use the program. A link is provided below for you to read. Thank you.

An Informed Citizen.

Trump's proposed cuts to Meals on Wheels would hurt veterans

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Diplomats and Meals On Wheels

Dear President Trump,

Meals on Wheels and school lunch program do indeed benefit the country. The lunch program provides high grades and less trouble in the class rooms.

Meals on Wheels helps our elders who helped build this country. This a part of the social contract we made with our elders. This program is just not for the poor, but helps those that can't leave their homes. I will gladly pay a little extra to help keeps these programs.

Now let's talk about the State Department. Latest reports are that a 20% cut is proposed. Think about that for a moment. That is one fifth of the budget. You fired most of the Ambassadors and have not replaced them. Most of the senior level people were fired and have not been replaced.

How much did the GOP spend investigating Benghazi? How many hearings were there? Well, cut the budget and watch more happen. By cutting the budget, you are telling the world that you don't care about our people. Watch your supporters change from "lock her up" to "lock him up."

Our diplomats are just as important as our military, sometimes more so. Treat them, our elders, and our children with respect.


An Informed Citizen.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Government Surveillance

Dear President Trump, Conservative Media, and Trump supporters,

Since the late 1940s, the U.S. government taps, bugs, or records conversations by those of hostile governments. If you are talking to members of those governments, they are recording you. You will be targeted depending upon what is said or not said.

Contrary to what some will tell you, many nations are still hostile to us since the end of the Cold War. Russia took a minor break, but with the rise of Putin and Russian nationalism, they are back to being hostile to their neighbors and the rest of the world.

Sorry Mr. Snowden, China has been a hostile nation for decades. They have hacked our businesses, challenged our leadership, and threatened our allies. So, we are going to listen in.

Senators, if you think that your calls to foreign governments are not being listened to, you are so naive. Remember ABSCAM? People don't truest you and not just the electric.

Stop playing games. Congress start doing your job. Investigate connections to the Russians, the Chinese, and other hostile government's. This a bigger threat to our economy, democracy, and national security then any supposed attack from ISIS. 2018 is closer than you think. People are paying attention like they did during Watergate. Now, go do your job!

An Informed Citizen.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Tom Cotton

Dear Senator Tom Cotton,

Quite back pedaling. Just come out and say that President Trump has no evidence about Obama tapping Trump Tower. You rambled on about the FISA court and still said nothing.
You want to be a leader? Then put your big boy pants on and tell the President to either put up or shut up. Yes, you can say that. Yes, it will undercut the leadership in your party. But it will show true leadership. Either put up or shut up.

An informed Citizen.

Saturday, March 4, 2017


Dear President Trump,

Ambassadors visits the White House all the time. This is part of their job and how they convey messages from their governments to our government and the American people. Protocol is how they come to us. Also, Presidents send messages to governments though their ambassadors and ours. This has been done for hundreds of years though out the world. Please quickly learn how the government works.

An Informed Citizen.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Military Build-up budget

Dear President Trump,

In a recent speech that you gave at CPAC, you stated that you're going to have the biggest military buildup in history. I have a simple question for you, sir? How?

You state that you're going to cut taxes and cut spending, yet you want to build a wall and build up the military. As a businessman you should know that these things are not free. Where do you plan on getting the money to pay for these things?

The current US defense budget is over 600 billion dollars. That is larger than the next six countries combined. Do you plan to do more deficit spending and thus increase our national debt? Or is this all just Bluster for a crowd wanting to hear its favorite topic? Tell us the details, sir. You have a budget that needs to be submitted shortly and we would like to know what's in it.

An Informed Citizen.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Berlin Wall

Dear Vice-President Pence,

Just caught your speech in Munich. First, let me congratulate you on being a better speech giver than your boss. But let's talk about a point you made. You went into a list of leaders that you claimed brought down the Berlin Wall. Among them were Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.

Now Vice President Pence, they were a definite part of the wall coming down. But it took over 40 years to bring it down and several different administrations from different political parties. In fact several countries were involved in this issue. Just because you wish to remember Reagan's line about tearing down the wall doesn't that mean that it was the only thing that brought it down.

The real people that brought down the Berlin Wall were not the leaders but the people that stood and said no more. The people that escaped from the wall and said this is what is happening. The people, on that fateful night, that went up to the wall with chisels and hammers and started tearing it down. Those were the real people who tore down the Berlin Wall, not some ideologically pure conservative leadership.

Make no mistake, leadership was an important part of this. But Reagan and Thatcher didn't make the policy that brought down the wall. They just continued it. The people that came up with the policy were Eisenhower and Kennedy. So Mr. Vice President, I would advise you to get your facts straight. Or you'll end up looking like your boss.

An Informed Citizen.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Early Term Advice

Dear President Trump,

Here is some advice from a concerned citizen. You are the President of the United States. You are not a CEO of a company. As a CEO you could demand that you are never given bad news and have policies changes at the drop of a hat. It does not work that way as POTUS.

You need to realize that you are in a transparent bubble. And it is very leaky. The public wants to know what is going on. They want to know about your policy plans for Russia, Syria, and the rest of the world. The business world wants to know your tax plan and how you are going replace the ACA. Your constant talk about the election, the lies about how big you won, and bemoaning the leaks, is only convincing people that you are not in control of the issues or the reins of government.

Here is the advice. Focus on the facts. The real facts. Talk about your policies. Give the details. You are trying to convince investors to give you money. Stop fighting the press. You will lose. Whether or not you and your advisers want admit, they control the message and will focus on your problems.

Be a leader. Stop talking of the cuff. You are not as good at it as you like to think. Stay on the scrip. What you say, impacts the world. As my father taught me, calm down and think before you speak.

An Informed Citizen.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Dear telemarketers,

I get that some of you have to do cold calls. And that a number of you are doing legitimate sales work. But when I tell you that I just spent a boatload of money already buying what you selling (Windows and roof), don't keep trying to sell me more of your products. It just pisses off potential customers. Write down the info, file it away, and thank the person. People will treat you better in the long run.

An informed customer.


Dear Joe Scarborough,

Not everything is about you. Your short time in Congress did not give you wisdom of the world or how everything runs. You have been gone for over 20 years. Also, I don't care what you say, you are not a journalist. You are a talking head. Listen to the real journalist, you might learn something.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Rhetoric and Judicial Review

Dear President Trump,

You are not a CEO of a business. The federal court system is not a civil court where you badger or try to outspend your opponent. They are an equal branch of the government (see Article 3 of the U.S. Constitution). They get to determine what law or order is constitutional, not you.
Here is some advice from an American citizen. Tone down the rhetoric. You are sounding and acting like you going try to make a business settlement. It does not work like that. You are now the symbol of our country. Please act like it.
An Informed Citizen.