Thursday, August 10, 2017

Gorka and Diplomacy

Dear Mr. Gorka (Deputy Assistant to the President),

It is obvious that you have no idea how government or the military works. But let me mansplain it to you.

War is supposed to the last option of diplomacy. This is what every officer in the United States military is taught. This also how wars are prevented.

The Secretary of State is indeed the Chief Diplomat of the United States. But before we go to war the Smart Country and Leadership explore every option but military actions. And in the art of diplomacy one of the things that a diplomat must do is calm people down so that cooler heads can prevail. Only a fool goes the war without trying to negotiate a solution first.

You sir, are the deputy assistant to the President that puts you four steps down in the pecking order. Even Kellyanne Conway is higher than you. Finally, you need to be aware that when people have a recording of you making a stupid statement, trying to deny it only makes you and your president look stupid. As my father used to tell me, it's time to engage the Brain before wagging the tongue.

An Informed Citizen.

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