Tweeting, War, and Trump
A Political Rant. You have been warned.
War! Think about that word. Think about what it means. Think about what it is.
To many, it is that favorite film (especially when dealing with World War II), Television shows, or books. But it is something far more. Something so frightening, so terrible, that even those that practice and study it, try to avoid it.
It is destruction, disease, starvation, and pain. It is a destroyer of cultures, histories, economies, and peoples. It is a creator of greed, disfiguration, refugees, and hate. It is death.
Ask a Veteran of combat and they will tell you that it is this and more. Those that talk about its glories have never seen its true horrors. If they do talk about it, they will tell you about sights, sounds, smells, and the pure terror of it all. They will tell you of the deaths of the guilty and the innocent.
2000 years ago, a carpenter preaching on a hillside stated “Blessed are the Peacemakers.” He had never seen war, but he understood the terrible cost it brings. Peace gets you more than war.
Here we are, a country that has been, for all intents and purposes, in a state of war for the last 16 years. And yet a majority do not know, or act like, there are people currently in harm’s way. We do not see the returning wounded or the dead. Many have gone and come back, scarred by the experience. How many of the injured have you personally seen? And with a few exceptions, most of you have not.
And what of the innocents? Those just trying live a peaceful life? They are either collateral damage, unwitting human shields, or the victims of living on or near a strategic location. They become refugees, trying to find food and water, and sanctuary from the fighting for them and their families. They become reviled by both sides in the conflict. They are either in the way of an advancing army, people demanding resources that neither side want to give up, or “hiding” an enemy.
And then there is the Homefront. Those that sit at home and play at being a solider are fortunate to have never experienced it. They sit and gather their weapons thinking they are warriors. Yet never once willing to place themselves in harm’s way or their society above themselves. They call for war at any perceived slight to the nation, slow diplomacy, or just plain boredom. These are the most dangerous of all.
Why this rant about war? Thinking people know these dangers. Well, consider this is a reminder. A reminder of what will happen if we enter another war. But why bring this up now?
One night during the past year, President Trump had dinner with his top Generals and Admirals, along with their spouses. Called for a photo-op and bragged about them being the greatest military minds in world. (We’ll let history make that decision.) But then he said that this represented “the calm before the Storm.”
World leaders do not make this type of statement just to throw a scare into someone. But, President Trump is not the typical leader. He telegraphs his punches, makes a comment like this to gin up his base, or rattle the press. Personally, I’m hoping for the last one.
This president does not believe in the power of diplomacy. (This is also known as “Soft Power.”) He and his advisers have gutted the State Department. He cut their budget by almost 30%. We have maybe a dozen ambassadors around the world. Next to no Under Secretaries with expertise in the different areas of the world where trouble is brewing. Steve Bannon (while no longer in the White House) believes we need a major war to “make us great again.” Our President appears to be listening to him. He even under cut Secretary Tillerson by tweeting that he was “wasting his time” negotiating with North Korea.
There are only two areas that this administration is hot and bothered about. Iran and North Korea. For a man who claims that he does not want to give away what he plans, he is tweeting just about everything that is in his mind and what he plans on doing. So much for playing things close to the vest.
A war with either of these two states would be a disaster for us. If Iran, we would be bogged down further in the Middle East than we already are and the economics are unmanageable. North Korea would cause the deaths of millions (Seoul is 35 miles from the board) and drag in China and Russia. Not mention the nuclear option.
But back to the question, why bring this up now? Why this rant? Simply put, this citizen is asking his president to find another way. President Trump, be the leader you claim to be. Be the deal maker you keep bragging that you are. Find another solution than war. Get out of your comfort zone, swallow your pride, and work with other nations.
Mr. President, know this. Not all wartime presidents are beloved. History does not always look kindly on those that take nations into war. The horrors that I have listed at the beginning of this rant will be on your head for all of eternity. Is that the legacy that you want for your time in office? Or do you want something more? The ball is in your court, Mr. President.
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