Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Representative David Brat

Dear Rep. David Brat (R-7th District, Virginia),

You do realize that you party controls all level and branches of government? Blaming the Dems for your lack of progress is not only dumb, but shows the American public (especially the voters of Virginia's 7th congressional district) what you think of them.

Try coming up with bills that the public wants. Comprise is not a dirty word. It is how the House and Senate works. Deal making is a long and honored tradition. It’s worked for the United States for the last 241 years.

The Dems are in the minority. They can purpose a billion bills, but you and your leadership are the ones that bring bills to the floor. Stop acting like a child and take responsibility for the crappy bills your party purposing.

An Informed Citizen.

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