Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Presidential Subpoenas

Dear Rudy Giuliani,

Please allow me to correct your knowledge of history and fact. You claim that the Constitution allows that the POTUS cannot be subpoenaed. You are wrong.

Three Presidents have been subpoenaed. Jefferson, Nixon, and Clinton. We know how it turned out for the last two. Hence, there is indeed precedent.

Where in the Constitution does it state that he can't be? Nowhere. You and your fellow Trump supporters keep forgetting that the Judiciary is a co-equal branch of the Government.

So, to the followers of the President and you, let me remind you that there are two types of subpoenas. (I won't attempt the Latin. I would get it wrong.) The first type compels you to provide testimony. The other requires you to provide physical evidence.

Jefferson was subpoenaed for both testimony and evidence in the Arron Burr treason trial. Nixon was required to turn over the tapes. And we all watched Bill Clinton give testimony.

Time for you to go back and re-read those text books from law school. It appears you have forgotten the basics. In your current position, try less spin and more law. Your client will thank you.

An Informed Citizen.

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