Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Iran Deal

Dear Mr. President,

Well, you went and did it. You really did it. You broke the Iran deal. And in the process made the world and America less safe. You have taken the first step to another war in the Middle East.

But Why? Your own Department of Defense has stated that the Iranians were living up to their end of the deal. The U.N. inspectors have confirmed this. This was the strictest arms inspection regime in history. All aspects concerning the enrichment of uranium, the running (and building) of the centrifuges, and stock piling of high grade uranium were being followed. The making/purifying of uranium/plutonium leave traces that are easy to detect. The gas centrifuges are big, next to impossible to hide.

Was this because of the presentation by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presenting an out-of-date show with data that was known before the deal? Did the young Saudi prince offer you a deal to build another hotel? Or was it that your new National Security Adviser John Bolton has been agitating for a war with Iran? Heck, the man has a plan to overthrow the regime by 2020.

You have also just cost Boeing $20 Billion. How many jobs would that have translated to (estimates are close 100K)? Tax revenue, tariffs, fees? What other companies are now going to lose out also?

You are now required to impose sanctions on Iran. This means that one of things that must be stopped is the export of oil. There are two countries that buy the majority of their oil from Iran. The first is India. We have been trying to get a stronger strategic relationship with them. The new sanctions/higher oil prices will deal a blow to their economy and hence ours.

The other is China. You have already started a trade war with them. Now you are adding another blow to their economy. Which means that we will get impacted again.

In case you have not figured out how this will impact us, let me continue your education. The Indians and the Chinese will now be going after the same oil as we are. Hence the increase in oil prices. Once they have the oil, they will pass the extra cost on to us. Guess what, oil prices are up. And who is going to pay?

But that is OK, you and supporters believe that the Tax cuts are going to take care of this. But it’s not, is it? First of the Tax cuts are not that big. Secondly, (and this is a science question to you) do you know what plastics are made from? Yep, oil. All those toys, electronics, vehicles, and other items made with/using plastics are now going to start costing more.

OK, we’ll let that sink in for a bit. Let’s talk about security and diplomacy. You just broke a deal that China, Russia, England, France, the European Union, and the United States (P5+1) got Iran to agree to. This was entered into with good faith. The fact that countries that rarely agree on anything, joined together for a common cause should have been a sign of the importance this issue was considered.

But you have unilaterally pulled us from it. Why? You still have not stated why. You have not provided any information as to what is going to replace the Deal? Going back to sanctions is not a good idea. They didn’t work then, what makes you think they will work now?

By pulling out of this deal, the TPP and your comments about NAFTA and NATO, you are showing our allies and enemies that we cannot be counted on to keep our word. North Korea will not make a deal with you concerning their nuclear program. They won’t know if they can trust you. Our Allies are already questioning if we will keep our defense commitments in light of your comments and actions with this deal. Also, you can forget that Noble Peace Prize.

There is a tradition that presidents honor the foreign policy deals/treaties of their predecessors. They may not like it, they made hate it with a passion unheard of, but they still honor it. If they want to change it, they either renegotiate or create a new deal/treaty all the while the previous agreements are still in effect. This has been a sacred tradition for our country for over two hundred years. And before you jump on the “it is not a treaty” bandwagon, not all interactions with other countries are treaties. Sometimes they are just a handshake or a plan on the back of a cocktail napkin.

That is the diplomacy, but what about the security? You claimed that we are safer with this deal gone. How? How does not having inspectors in country make us safer? What you have done is played into the hands of the hardliners in Iran. They are now saying “See America, the Great Satan, cannot be trusted. We must now begin to build the Bomb to protect ourselves.” They will now restart their program shortly. And they will have it shortly. What are you going to do to stop this? Are we going to war again? Or was this because you hate Barack Obama so much that you have to destroy everything that he did regardless of the damage to the country?

You have placed the country in danger. You have diminished our standing in the world. You have set the stage for another war in the region. You claimed to be the great Deal-maker. Where is the new Deal? Tell us, Mr. President. Soothe our concerns and show us that we are wrong. Show the world that you know more than they do. I’m betting you can’t and won’t. History won’t be kind.

An Informed Citizen.

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