In 1991, Anita Hill came forward with allegations concerning Clarence Thomas. The reason that I have brought this up concerns the use of the FBI.
In 1991, the White House order an investigation of Judge Thomas. In was completed and delivered to the Judiciary Committee in three days. Senator Orin Hatch (R-Utah) stated how grateful he was that this was completed and delivered to the committee.
Fast forward to the last few days. Senator Hatch is stating that the FBI can not and should not investigate Judge Kavanagh. Senator Grassley (R-Iowa) has stated that there not enough time to complete an investigation.
So, what is the problem here? Think about this. The last time something happened, it took 3 days. What are the Republicans afraid of? Is the White House afraid of what they will find? Are they hiding something? With only 4% of Kavanagh's papers released to the Committee and the public, you have to wonder.
To the White House and the Republican Committee members, do the investigation. If there is nothing, then you win. But, you won't you do it. You are trying to ram this through before the midterms.
With the President calling the FBI a cancer on society, he has boxed himself in. How will he be able to politically get an investigation? If he does, there goes his fight against Sessions and Mueller.
The optics are going to be perfect for the Democrats. From a purely political viewpoint, how is it going to look when 11 old, white men harass and berate a woman who came forward as a survivor of sexual assault?
So, what is going to happen? The hearing on Monday, may or may not happen. But it will go to the floor of the Senate. He will become the next SCOTUS justice. All of the Republicans will vote for him. I expect that at least two Dems will vote for him too.
I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.
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