Monday, April 16, 2018

Cohen’s Other Client

Dear Mr. Hannity,

You can't have it both ways. You are either a client or you are not. Now here is the important part. If you are not a client, then there is no lawyer/client privilege. That is the way it works.

You now you do not have to pay a lawyer to be a client. That is the lawyer working for you pro bono. (That mean for free) But this is an important part, you will still be a client.

You claim that you are a journalist. Journalistic ethics require you to reveal any connections you might have with a person you are interviewing or reporting on. Your claim about needing and having a private life fall flat. Especially where a conflict arises where your job is involved.

You need to rethink your story. Come clean. Or America will make up their own story. And it won't be pretty.

An Informed Citizen

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