Sunday, March 25, 2018

Secretary Mnuchin

Dear Secretary Mnuchin (Department of the Treasury),

I know that you are not the President. But as a member of the Cabinet, you should have a basic understanding of the Constitution. You can find it on line in less than 2 seconds. Heck, send an intern down to the federal archives (where they are displaying the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution) and have them buy one in the gift shop.

OK, you don't know all the ins and outs of constitutional law. That is fine, most people don't. But as the Secretary of the Treasury, I know you have a legal department. Talk to one of them.

But as a citizen let me help you here. In 1996, the SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) ruled that the line item veto was unconstitutional. That means that the only way to change that is to amend the Constitution. There is no other way that Congress can change this. A quick look up on line will show you this. Google and Wikipedia are your friends.

An Informed Citizen.

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