Moore, Liberals, and the GOP.
A political rant. You have been warned.
Well, today is the big day in Alabama. Will the voters of that state elect Roy Moore as the next Senator, filling Jeff Seasons seat? Before I answer that, Let’s take a quick look at the state and some of the people that have recently been elected there. The Governor had to step down due to a sex scandal. The Speaker of the House step down due to corruption charges. The LT Gov. (now the Governor) appointed Luther Strange as Senator. Strange was the State AG and promised to prosecute the Governor over the sex scandal, thus stopping the impeachment. He never did.
So based on this recent history, here is my prediction. Roy Moore will win the election, by 7-9%. Why, you ask? First look at the above history. Secondly, Alabama is one of the most deeply red states. Even the Current Governor stated publicly that she would rather vote for an accused pedophile then a squishy Democrat. Next, Alabama voters are pissed at the rest of the country. They are not liking being called dumb and being told who they can and can’t vote for. (Steve Bannon has been stoking that fire). Finally, the main feeling is while he maybe a pedophile, he is ours.
Where does all this leave the GOP? The Republicans will now have to own this. Lock, stock, and barrel. When Trump started supporting Moore and denouncing the Dems for their sex scandals, the double standard was in full bloom. Senate Republicans that had called for Moore to step down, are now tepidly supporting him. When Moore steps into the Senate, there will be a minor ethics investigation that will quietly disappear. He will get some low level committee assignments and won’t go full bluster for about 3 months. But the once great Republican Party will now be the party of Sexual Predators.
And what about the Liberal, progressives, and moderates? They have a great opportunity here, if they are willing to take it. Trump, Bannon, and Moore are leaving the door wide open for attacks. The Democratic Party is purging their own of those with Sexual indiscretions (lewd and/or predatory behavior). They are showing the country an intolerance for this type of behavior. They are going after the moral high ground.
But will they take it? The Left is in the middle of a minor civil war. The far Left is looking for purity. The moderates are just wanting to be heard. And all are missing the fights on the Right. The Left is missing perhaps the biggest point to winning back power and influence in the country. Half a loaf is better than no loaf. The Right has known this for years and have been using it. At this point, they have to do the one thing they hate even thinking about. Compromise with each other. If they don’t then the future is lost to them for a generation.
Will Moore win and give the GOP heartache for years to come? I think he might. Will the left get off their collective butts and vote in the mind-terms? If history is any indication, I don’t think so. I really hope I’m wrong. Only history will tell us for sure.