Dear Mr. President,
What the hell is wrong with you? You re-tweet fake videos concerning Muslims. What sort of president are you?
You are supposed to represent all America not just the ones you think deserve it. Part of your job is to protect people. I'm sure you and your supporters read in the Constitution Preamble the part that said, "Preserve domestic tranquility." Is this how you do this?
To Ms. Huckleberry-Sanders. You need to re-think your response. The "Threat" is not real. Violence in this country is committed by "Christians" more so than by Muslims. Are you going to comment on that? No, you will not. In fact, I'm betting that you will double down at the next press conference.
To the journalist at the press conferences. Now is the time to start asking some hard hitting questions. You need to ask follow up question. Finally, you need to support your colleagues. When people won't answer a colleague's question, you need to challenge them to answer it. Work together.
An Informed Citizen.