Friday, February 24, 2017

Military Build-up budget

Dear President Trump,

In a recent speech that you gave at CPAC, you stated that you're going to have the biggest military buildup in history. I have a simple question for you, sir? How?

You state that you're going to cut taxes and cut spending, yet you want to build a wall and build up the military. As a businessman you should know that these things are not free. Where do you plan on getting the money to pay for these things?

The current US defense budget is over 600 billion dollars. That is larger than the next six countries combined. Do you plan to do more deficit spending and thus increase our national debt? Or is this all just Bluster for a crowd wanting to hear its favorite topic? Tell us the details, sir. You have a budget that needs to be submitted shortly and we would like to know what's in it.

An Informed Citizen.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Berlin Wall

Dear Vice-President Pence,

Just caught your speech in Munich. First, let me congratulate you on being a better speech giver than your boss. But let's talk about a point you made. You went into a list of leaders that you claimed brought down the Berlin Wall. Among them were Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.

Now Vice President Pence, they were a definite part of the wall coming down. But it took over 40 years to bring it down and several different administrations from different political parties. In fact several countries were involved in this issue. Just because you wish to remember Reagan's line about tearing down the wall doesn't that mean that it was the only thing that brought it down.

The real people that brought down the Berlin Wall were not the leaders but the people that stood and said no more. The people that escaped from the wall and said this is what is happening. The people, on that fateful night, that went up to the wall with chisels and hammers and started tearing it down. Those were the real people who tore down the Berlin Wall, not some ideologically pure conservative leadership.

Make no mistake, leadership was an important part of this. But Reagan and Thatcher didn't make the policy that brought down the wall. They just continued it. The people that came up with the policy were Eisenhower and Kennedy. So Mr. Vice President, I would advise you to get your facts straight. Or you'll end up looking like your boss.

An Informed Citizen.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Early Term Advice

Dear President Trump,

Here is some advice from a concerned citizen. You are the President of the United States. You are not a CEO of a company. As a CEO you could demand that you are never given bad news and have policies changes at the drop of a hat. It does not work that way as POTUS.

You need to realize that you are in a transparent bubble. And it is very leaky. The public wants to know what is going on. They want to know about your policy plans for Russia, Syria, and the rest of the world. The business world wants to know your tax plan and how you are going replace the ACA. Your constant talk about the election, the lies about how big you won, and bemoaning the leaks, is only convincing people that you are not in control of the issues or the reins of government.

Here is the advice. Focus on the facts. The real facts. Talk about your policies. Give the details. You are trying to convince investors to give you money. Stop fighting the press. You will lose. Whether or not you and your advisers want admit, they control the message and will focus on your problems.

Be a leader. Stop talking of the cuff. You are not as good at it as you like to think. Stay on the scrip. What you say, impacts the world. As my father taught me, calm down and think before you speak.

An Informed Citizen.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Dear telemarketers,

I get that some of you have to do cold calls. And that a number of you are doing legitimate sales work. But when I tell you that I just spent a boatload of money already buying what you selling (Windows and roof), don't keep trying to sell me more of your products. It just pisses off potential customers. Write down the info, file it away, and thank the person. People will treat you better in the long run.

An informed customer.


Dear Joe Scarborough,

Not everything is about you. Your short time in Congress did not give you wisdom of the world or how everything runs. You have been gone for over 20 years. Also, I don't care what you say, you are not a journalist. You are a talking head. Listen to the real journalist, you might learn something.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Rhetoric and Judicial Review

Dear President Trump,

You are not a CEO of a business. The federal court system is not a civil court where you badger or try to outspend your opponent. They are an equal branch of the government (see Article 3 of the U.S. Constitution). They get to determine what law or order is constitutional, not you.
Here is some advice from an American citizen. Tone down the rhetoric. You are sounding and acting like you going try to make a business settlement. It does not work like that. You are now the symbol of our country. Please act like it.
An Informed Citizen.