I originally posted this when Indiana was stupidly thinking about doing this. Well, now North Carolina, Mississippi, and Tennessee have decided that they had to go through with this. And they will pay economically for it. So, I’m re-posting this. Read and think.
A Political Rant. You have been warned!
Religion, Discrimination, and Indiana.
Religion is a powerful thing in people’s lives. It shapes and molds their identities and morals. It gives comfort to those who need it when times are tough or when illness and death stalk a family or friend. When the changes in the modern world becomes too much, many look to spiritual guidance to help deal with the stresses. It can also show us the greatest acts of kindness and humanity.
Yet like most things, Religion has a dark side. Many read into it the need to convert others to their way of thinking. (If you are not with us, you are against us.) If they cannot be converted then they must be the “other.” Fit to be scorned, hated, and in some cases killed. All in the name of their version of God.
This “other” is what is currently behind the so-called “Religious Freedom” law in Indiana. The right to tell that other that they can be discriminated against, all in the name of God.
Think about that for a moment. The state of Indiana has just made a law that says, if someone claims a deeply held belief they can refuse to do business with you. No penalty, no fine, just sanctioned discrimination.
You will hear (like on the Sunday’s news shows) some claim that this not what the law is about. That it is designed to protect the rights and freedoms of those practicing their faith. Bullshit! We have this little thing called the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and over two hundred years of the Supreme Court rulings.
Some have stated that there are 19 other states with similar laws on the books along with one from the Federal government. Well, they are more tightly defined concerning the details. But don’t worry, we will get to them soon enough.
Now take moment. The current focus is on the rights of the LBGT community. And just as it should be. For they are the true target here and it is a direct strike at them because of the changing view on Gay Marriage. (A majority of Americans are now in favor of it.) Got some news for you, the demographics of the country are changing and so are the views. A majority of the population does not attend any sort of religious service.
Now, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. In the 1840s and 1850s, slavery was justified as being God’s will. The Jews have suffered for thousands of years based on someone else hatred and misinterpretation of religious writings. Muslims are the current boogey-man to some. And in 1692, we burned people at the stake because it was thought they were witches.
This is the bigger picture that laws like this will head us toward. Some here will accuse me of over-dramatizing it. But ask yourself, how much of a step is it from denying service to someone who is gay to deny it because of their religion (No hotel service for the Jews and Muslims can’t build their mosques) or skin color (Colored bathrooms, Chinese not allowed to bring their wives, and Irish and Italians denied housing and jobs.). It has happened before. Just ask the Japanese Americans.
Is this the American you want to live in? Is this the legacy we want for our children and grandchildren? We must do better. We must stand for our follow countrymen and women. “We the People” must mean everyone and their ideas or they are just words on paper.